When God formed man from the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, man
became a living being. But man also was given a
spirit that made him far superior to the animal
world, which operates solely on instinct and
conditioned response. The human mind, coupled with
the human spirit, gives man intelligence far above
the animal kingdom. When a human is converted and is
given the Holy Spirit from God, that Spirit combines
with the human spirit to begin the formation of a
new spiritual creature. Then, when a person dies,
his spirit returns to God until the resurrection. In
analogy the human spirit may be compared to a master
recording device that records all of a man’s
characteristics, intelligence, and experiences. If
God so chooses, He can rebuild that man either from
new physical material or from spirit (depending on
which resurrection) from all the information
contained in the human spirit. Scripture clearly
speaks of two types of spirit a man can have: The
spirit of man, “which is in him,” and the Spirit of
God, which is given to him during the conversion
Genesis 2:7, Job 32:8, Ecclesiastes 3:21, 12:7
Daniel 45:28–37, Zechariah 12:1, Romans 8:16
1 Corinthians 2:11–15
God has created powerful spirit beings as His agents
and messengers. Since man’s creation, these spirit
beings have functioned as ministering spirits to
help mankind attain salvation. Like man, angels have
free moral agency. Although created to help God,
some of them—led by Satan the devil—rebelled against
God’s government, transforming themselves into
Psalm 91:11–12, Ephesians 6:12, Hebrews 1:7
Salvation is the means by which God, through Christ,
saves man from the penalty of sin and give him
eternal life. This process includes one’s calling,
repentance, baptism, justification, receiving of the
Holy Spirit, life of faith and obedience, and final
birth into God’s Kingdom as a spirit being.
Salvation is a freely given gift from God through
grace, with our ultimate reward given according to
our works.
Matthew 16:27, John 3:16–17, Romans 6:23
Ephesians 2:8–9, Hebrews 6:1–2
Faith is the sure knowledge that God exists, and that He will accomplish
those things He has promised. Faith is necessary for
salvation. The basic elements of faith are courage,
action, and risk.
Romans 1:17, 10:17, Ephesians 3:17, Hebrews 11:1–2
James 2:22–24
Repentance is the act of acknowledging one’s sins,
and resolving to fully obey God. It begins when God
opens one’s mind to see himself in comparison with
God and His law. True repentance is the first step
toward reconciliation with God, and thereby toward
ultimate salvation.
Acts 2:38, 3:19–21, 8:22, 1 John 3:4